Sunday, August 2, 2009

"Speak English or Filipino Properly with Kindness"

Being communicative in a good way is important to our daily lives. It encourages us to gain self-worth and harness and enhance self-confidence to speak our feelings, thoughts and ideas in relation to topics and issues relevant to our well-being.
Since we first enter to school we learn so many things. We understand what is noun, adverb, adjective, preposition, verb, conjunctions and interjections too. In this case, all of us should know how to speak frequently in English. But it is a common observation in schools that students don't use English in their conversations. Because of this bad scenario, our school are having a campaign to motivate students to speak in English or Filipino.
As a student,let us help to this campaign because English is truly a world language that help us in building our lives.

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